Hot! Hot! Hot!

Friends, it's hot, DAMNED hot here in central Kentucky right now!  It's been that way for most of a week, that is, when it hasn't been raining.  I swear, I don't think I can remember a wetter spring and early summer!

I have some followup items I wanted to touch on....

I believe I mentioned that on our auto trip to Colorado in late May/early June that our car, MY car, sustained a fair amount of hail damage when we stopped for the night in Kansas on our way west.  I didn't think it was that severe until I had the car washed and could really see all of the pockmarks.  There were MANY.  So when we returned home I called our insurance agency, just to get their opinion on whether I should file a claim.  It rested on the amount of damage, so I had an informal estimate done, and found that we were looking at a pretty good amount to repair all of it properly.  I filed a claim, the insurance company sent an appraiser out, and we had a check for a somewhat larger sum in a short period of time.

During the discussion of this I mentioned to our son that I was going to have this fixed and he recommended a body shop he had found through a friend.  So I went there with this recommendation just this Tuesday, liked the way the shop owner came across decided to give him the business.  Called the insurance adjuster, as I needed a rental car ASAP.  He connected me with their preferred car rental company and in a short time the company had a guy there to pick me up and take me to the agency office.

Car was finished today, a little sooner than expected, and I have to say, it looks GREAT!  I suppose we should have parked in a hailstorm sooner if this was the outcome!

In the interests of full disclosure, the insurance carrier was Travelers, the body shop was Meadowthorpe  Body Shop here in Lexington, KY, and the car rental company was Enterprise.  All get a big thumbs up on customer service and responsiveness!

Just an aside, but isn't it a shame when we're surprised by good service and a smoothly handled process for anything?

Anyway, that's been a central part of my activities this week, as things have just been a little "off" because of driving a rental instead of my car.  But the replacement, a Dodge Avenger, was a solid little ride, if not as spacious as our Honda Pilot.

My wife and I took some time out and saw "Man of Steel" on Tuesday.  Best thing I've seen this summer.  Fulfilled my hope of a different take on the Superman legend, without negatively impacting what we all know about this superhero.  Well thought out, well cast and acted, and just a very solid and entertaining picture.  Nothing else on the horizon this summer that I can think of that I'm eager to see.  But that's par for the course, since I'm not a twelve-year-old boy (the alleged target audience of the majority of movies now)!

Speaking of that, I read an interesting article recently on the film business.  I posted the link on my Twitter feed last week (@richardlexsmith) if you're interested.  Turns out that the folks in Hollywood really don't know what they're doing, if the article (written by an industry insider) has any credence.

How'd you like to wreck your knee in February and become a millionaire in June?  That happened to former Kentucky center Nerlens Noel, who was drafted by the NBA's Philadelphia 76ers last night.  Good for him, he seems like a good kid, from all public indications.

In case you're wondering, my job search process is ongoing, and I've made a number of contacts and have several possibilities in the pipeline at this point.  But with next week a holiday week, I imagine that the momentum of my activities will probably slow a bit for the moment.  But I remain optimistic!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go towel off now.


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