Back among the normal

Good morning, one and all....pleased to be here with the strength to write a little something, as I am just about out from under a very nasty infection that has laid me low in recent days....

I returned from what was for me a quick one night business trip the week after Thanksgiving.  Not far, no time changes, only two flights in each direction.  Simple trip.  Returned to Lexington on that Wednesday night.  By Thursday night I was coughing pretty steadily, and by Friday I felt that I had a full-blown case of the flu.  Know that feeling you get when you feel kind of dizzy, kind of woozy, can't sit upright without feeling sick?  I had that.  Lack of energy?  Check.  Loss of appetite?  Uh-huh.

Suffered through three days of this, and finally began to feel a little better last Sunday night, only to relapse further on Monday night and Tuesday.  During this time my wife also began to feel bad, and I became concerned that I had used her toothbrush in my fog of disease and had made her sick (I still don't know if that happened, but she became sick as well).  Finally, on Wednesday we made our way to the doctor and were examined and treated together (but, of course, were charged individual co-payments).  Both of us were diagnosed with sinus infections and prescribed antibiotics of varying types.

So as I write this I feel MUCH better, but, my God, I ought to, given what I've been through.  I'm feeling just a little dizzy writing this.

Enough of that.  Onward and upward, I say.

Kentucky's got a new football coach, from the coaching Stoops family (Mark is our new coach).  He's already hard at work assembling a staff of assistants and recruiting players.  I cannot remember interest in UK football ever being this high in December on the heels of a 2-10 season.

Many of those who care about Kentucky sports are concerned about Kentucky's basketball team.  Don't be.  They're young, they're underachieving, compared to recent years' teams, but they'll develop if they're meant to.  And, if they don't, well, there are more great players on their way into the program next year.   Coach John Calipari is fond of saying that often he has to convince his young charges that they don't "poop ice cream," to paraphrase his pet phrase.  Suppose the current team now knows this.

Don't look now, but the Denver Broncos are 10-3 and have clinched their division.  That Manning fellow may work out all right after all of those injuries.

Saw that the Cincinnati Reds came to the winter meetings in Nashville and left without completing a single deal.  They did the same last year and then proceeded to make four deals after leaving those meetings, propelling them to the division championship.  I wouldn't assume that nothing's going on.

Are you worried about the fiscal cliff?  In my estimation it's yet another political card game in which others are playing with our money, whether it's current or future money.  Hope they work this out before they break our economy.

I'm taking a considerable (for me) amount of time off around the holidays, and already the list of movies that I want to see is beginning to mount up.  We saw "Skyfall," the latest James Bond picture, when it came out in November, but have yet to see "Lincoln" and "The Hobbit" comes out this week.  I expect there'll be more, which is fine by me.

Better get to work.  I only have a few more days to do this this year!


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