A whole bunch of nothing

Once again, no particular subject that I'm writing of today, just a variety of topics that have interested me lately.

I'm not watching every minute of the Republican and Democratic conventions, as I have a life and there's other stuff to do and watch and so forth.  But I have to say that the enthusiasm level appears to be higher at the Democratic function than at the Republican one, at least based on what I've seen.  I'm reminded of something John Lennon said at a Beatles performance for a royal charity many years ago (and I'm going to have to paraphrase this):  "For this next number, we ask for your help.  The folks in the cheaper seats, clap your hands.  And the rest of you, just rattle your jewelry."  Perhaps that's an apt analogy.

Kentucky's football season is off to a....well, it started on Sunday with a loss to in-state archrival Louisville.  I don't know that Louisville's team is that good or Kentucky's is that bad, but that was a pretty one-sided game in many respects.  Kentucky's defense would have difficulty stopping any team, as they are missing some talented defensive players from last year's team.  One game in a twelve-game campaign, it's early, so we'll see how this plays out.

This is not at all the case with my Cincinnati Reds, who continue to lead the National League Central Division by a healthy margin.  And the most astounding aspect of their lead is that they've built much of it without their best player, the extraordinarily talented Joey Votto, who just returned to the active roster yesterday following a knee injury, two surgical procedures and a cautious rehabilitation period.  But they roll on, continuing to win games at an impressive clip and having used the same five starting pitchers all season, something I never thought I'd see.  Crossing my fingers for a nice run in October for this outstanding team!

Made a kind of interesting change in my personal entertainment sources recently.....we have satellite radios in both of our cars and I have one that can be used in the car, house or elsewhere, too.  All of this was a happy accident that occurred when we bought my wife's car, and discovered that it came with a free trial of this service.  Trying and listening is believing, so here we were with three radios.  Decided to explore the possibility of decluttering my desktop and, lo and behold, the company offers an Internet-based option that I can also access from my iPad.  Both methods work like a charm, and it's cheaper by several dollars a month than the traditional route.  Made that transition a couple of weeks ago and am very pleased!

Since I still have over two gallons of high quality paint from my ambitious painting project (covered extensively in this space) I'm looking very carefully at some other small projects around the old homeplace.  The master bedroom closet looks like the next victim of my painting prowess, sometime this week, probably.  That's about the only space in our house (except for the other closets) that has not been painted at least once since we've lived here.

Enjoying a week without business travel, but that ends next week with a trip to Nashville.  Enjoy the rest of YOUR week!


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