Merry Christmas....we can still say that, can't we?

Well, we're at Christmas 2011 plus 2 days.  Kentucky is experiencing heavy rain, and has been off and on for a few days.  Not exactly conducive to the holiday spirit, but we didn't find it a damper at all.  In fact, my wife and I commented to each other that this may have been the best Christmas we've had in a long time!

We're really fortunate, in that we have a healthy and growing family, we each have our health, we're both employed (or, as employed as we wish to be, anyway!), and life's pretty good, overall!  As I mentioned in my last post, we all could stand to stop and think about how well off we are a bit more often.

That said, it's been a busy few days, as one would expect.  Despite this, my wife and I managed some recreation by taking in a couple of recently released movies.  Our first choice was "Sherlock Holmes:  A Game of Shadows."  This is the sequel to the popular (if not critically acclaimed) release of a couple of years ago featuring Robert Downey, Jr. in the title role, with Jude Law as his faithful companion, Dr. John Watson.  I'm not a veteran of the Arthur Conan Doyle books, but these are meant as entertainment and not a deep meditation on the source works, and they succeed nicely.

Last night we decided to wind up our long weekend with another movie, this time selecting Tom Cruise's latest installment in the "Mission: Impossible"series (no number, this one is called "Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol"), and all I can say in response is WOW!  Great casting, great action sequences, a lot of humor, a great, slam-bang entertainment package directed by a fellow named Brad Bird.  Apparently Bird is an alumnus of TV's "The Simpsons" and had graduated to animated films with Disney/Pixar and others (his animated "The Incredibles" is a favorite of mine).  As I've read recently, why no one gave him the chance to direct a live-action movie until now is uncertain, but this was a great "popcorn" movie and my wife and I were wrung out by the suspense by the movie's end!

I'm most excited about "The Dark Knight Rises," the third portion of Christopher Nolan's acclaimed Batman trilogy.  Two previews have been released so far, and they're having the expected effect on me.  This film is due to be released on my birthday next summer, so I've already informed my better half that my present must be a trip to the nearest ginormous IMAX screen to see this.

But it's back to work today, for at least a couple of days.  Another four day weekend coming up for me.  Tough, I know, but I'm doing my best to cope.

Hope the holidays were everything you hoped for and more!


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