What I know (or think, anyway)......

On another business trip (first of four consecutive weeks of travel, which will bring the recent total to eight out of nine weeks) and I had some time to commit some stray thoughts to this blog.

I'm actually in Richmond, Virginia today.  Arrived here yesterday afternoon, and leave around lunchtime tomorrow.  This appears to be a pretty nice city; the former capital and in the northernmost of the Confederate States.  I have visited her pretty regularly in the past two years and I like what I've experienced.

My Cincinnati Reds are merely playing out the string, as they're out of contention with little to play for, a lot of guys hurt and fans are turning most of their attention elsewhere.  My son and I made one last trip to Great American Ball Park Saturday night, mostly for Johnny Bench night.  This event commemorated a statue outside the ballpark depicting the Reds' Hall of Fame catcher ("baseball's greatest catcher," we were reminded repeatedly during the ceremonies Saturday evening) throwing out a would-be basestealer, something that happened frequently during Bench's playing career.  It was a great night, made better by a trip to the Hofbrauhaus Newport, where my son and I experienced some German food and beer (it WAS Oktoberfest, after all), then worse by the lackluster play of the home team.  We'll get 'em next year.

Next year may not come soon enough for the Kentucky football team.  They lost to Louisville Saturday night (see where my priorities are these days?) and based on the television recording I watched Sunday morning, did not look good doing so.  And they're heading into a tough stretch of their schedule, so it doesn't get any easier from here.

Love the latest actions by President Obama regarding jobs and the deficit.  Glad he's taking the offensive to get his points across.  High time, I say.

Most of my friends and acquaintances in the Louisville area are having to deal with the closure of one of the bridges across the Ohio River due to structural cracks.  I haven't heard an accurate count of the cars that use that bridge (the Sherman Minton bridge, to be precise) regularly, but it's gotta be a lot.  If the folks in Washington who don't feel that infrastructure investments are necessary would just take a look at that bridge and the car volume it normally carries.....well, you know.

And I don't write of world affairs here all that often, but I don't understand the back-and-forth regarding the remaining two American hikers who've been detailed in Iran for so long.  Their president said (through a translator) on an interview on NBC recently that they would be released soon.  Then the courts there indicated that, no, they would not be released.  Then it came to light that they would be released on $500,000 bail each.  So were they ransomed?  As I write this they're arriving in Oman and have now been released.  Good for them, as we don't want our citizens held overseas without good reason, but what do you suppose all of this means regarding our relationship with Iran?

Well, gee, sports, national politics and foreign affairs.  My work here is done.....


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