Off the road again

Finally....a whole week where overnight travel won't be necessary.  I'm plenty busy when I'm in my office, but it's a little less hectic and the chaos is a bit more under control.  Good thing, too, since I will now have to plan on working another five or ten years, what with S&P downgrading the U.S. government's credit rating and what that will do to my (and millions of others') 401K plans....

That said, I should mention briefly why I'm so happy not to be traveling.....last week I spent three pretty full days on the road, going from Lexington to Louisville to Birmingham, AL to Knoxville, TN and back again.  All by trusty Honda Pilot, which is most comfortable for long-distance travels.  Didn't see much bad weather, except excessive heat in the areas south of our home base.  Lots of road construction, owing to the warm weather and the ease of paving in the heat.

Long trip, but a productive one, so I'm back in the saddle here at the ranch, so to speak.  And already planning five more trips over the next sixty days.

Could not help but smile when I read caddy Steve Williams' comments about how he was dismissed by his former boss, Tiger Woods, and how his new pro, Adam Scott, won with Williams on the bag.  Stevie said it was his best week ever.  Take that, Mr. Woods!

The Cincinnati (Sh)Reds limped back home last night, having won only two games out of six against the two worst teams in their division last week.  Injuries have hit this team hard, but they weren't playing terribly inspired baseball before all of these guys got hurt.  Hoping the fresh troops they've brought in will make a difference, but I'm kind of resigned to the fact that it will be nearly impossible to duplicate the magic of the 2010 season.

Kentucky's football team is well into preparations for its season opener but they'll start the season without me working in the radio booth for the first time since 1998.  After fourteen years, I decided last season that it would be my last as a spotter for my very good friend, Tom Leach, the Voice of the Wildcats.  Tom and I grew up together and remain close friends, but it just became so much more difficult to manage the football schedule and my extensive business travel schedule that I felt that stepping aside was the right move.  Plus it gives me more opportunities to spend time with family on the weekends, which I definitely appreciate!

Hope your Monday is going well enough.  Have a good week.


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