The week that was...

Happy Independence Day to all. Big milestone in our family, as tomorrow my wonderful wife and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary!

Had a kind of hectic week (or a little more, actually) leading up to today. Our daughter and her family arrived in Lexington for a visit on the 24th, the same day that my wife concluded her full-time employment AND the day of my dreaded colonoscopy (and what you have heard is true....the prep is far worse than the procedure). Fun with them Friday night and when they returned Sunday afternoon (went to another part of Kentucky to see my son-in-law's relatives), continuing through Monday night. Family dinners and some good clean fun in the backyard, which we transformed with a kiddie slide, plastic bowling and golf sets and some other stuff.

Then Tuesday I headed out for a business trip to Little Rock, Arkansas and Memphis, Tennessee. Since I work at home it would have been challenging for everyone had I attempted to work in my office shushing everyone for several days! The trip was productive and enjoyable (would you believe that my Memphis rep and I had some outstanding sushi Wednesday evening?) but I was glad to return home Thursday afternoon.

Then I began a vacation, which will continue through 7/10. Yesterday our son-law, son and our daughter-in-law's nephew went to Cincinnati to the outdoor sauna that was Great American Ball Park to see the Reds fall to the Cleveland Indians. Fun despite the heat and the loss. Postgame we connected with an old friend to enjoy quintessential Cincinnati.....LaRosa's pizza!

Probably be kinda quiet today, as our daughter's gang will be with her husband's family for a get-together. But the fun will resume tomorrow, as we're planning a great anniversary and combined birthday celebration. There are numerous family birthdays in July, so we do this just about every year!

I have to close by saying that times like these make me recognize how incredibly fortunate we are to have a healthy, growing family!


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