Gathering a few stray thoughts

It's Friday, and we're heading toward the Labor Day weekend, slowly but surely.  Time for a bit of a brain dump with some random comments about random subjects.

Has it been hot where you live?  Excuse me, I meant to say "HOT."  This has been a summer of ridiculous temperature extremes in central Kentucky, and I know from traveling it's been that way in a lot of places.  You know it's hot when dedicated golfers elect not to play on a Saturday.

For the first time in a number of years, the Reds are in serious contention to make it to post-season play (we used to simply say "the playoffs" but now there's more than one round of playoff series leading to the World Series), so baseball has a different significance for me this year than in years past.  Usually, at this point, I'm interested to see the prospects that the Reds have promoted to the big club to see how they perform at the major league level, as they're often hopelessly out of the pennant race.  Not this year.  The Reds are a team of grit, heart, and perseverence, which is the way baseball should be played.  Hard.  All the time.  And I love it.

Oddly, though, football is about to start, and I'm a little ambivalent about it.  The University of Kentucky's football fortunes have been led by the sturdy Rich Brooks for the past seven years, with the last four ending in a bowl game (three of those wins).  But Brooks has now retired, and former offensive coordinator and head-coach-in-waiting Joker Phillips takes over.  Some changes in the coaching staff have occurred, but it looks like most everything else will continue as it has.  But, frankly, it's hard to divide one's concentration between my Reds and my Wildcats.  But I'll do my best!

Business travel is dicey this time of year, since there's such a continual threat of severe weather throughout the southeastern US.  And from Lexington, where my flight plans originate, all roads (well, most, I guess) lead through Atlanta.  Returned from a trip Tuesday night with both outbound and inbound flights being slightly delayed, although not due to weather.  Gotta love flying through Atlanta, as with an airport that large you see all manner of people and things, most of which leave you either chuckling or shaking your head.

Rental cars are a bit of a pet peeve for me, too, and fresh in my mind, since I just had a rental Sunday through Tuesday.  My company has a preferred company for car rentals, and I have elite status with them, which means I should simply be able to show up, prove my identity and drive away.  Not so on this trip.  And what passes for an "intermediate" car is most definitely open to interpretation.  This week's rental was a Volkswagen Jetta, a brand and model of car that we used to own.  "Used to" being the operative phrase.  Not much headroom or hiproom, and a smallish trunk.  Not a good combination when traveling with golf clubs.

I suppose that's enough complaining.


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