Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

If you recall from my last post our daughter, her husband and their two kids had just arrived at our home for a ten day stay.  They all just returned home yesterday afternoon, and I must say that our house seems awfully large and awfully quiet today, as I've also returned to work after vacation.

Our grandson was an absolute delight, as he's now at the age where he recognizes people more readily and was lots of fun for all.  Perhaps the most enjoyable occasions were when he and our local granddaughter, who's exactly two weeks older than he, were together, as it's always fun to watch babies try to figure each other out!

We did some rather touristy things while our visitors were here, but all were enjoyable and we caught a break on the weather, as it was probably about fifteen degrees cooler for parts of last week than it is now or will be during this week.

And, as planned, both he and our younger granddaughter were baptized in a joint ceremony last Saturday.  That occasion allowed members of our son-in-law's, our daughter-in-law's and our family to meet and mingle a bit.

I spent a little time putting things back as they had been pre-visit this morning, and it all just seemed kind of odd.  We'll see them again soon, and we'll probably go to their home location next time.

On top of that, our son and his family are out of town for a vacation of their own until Saturday, so it's REALLY quiet now.  But it was certainly nice having the whole family around, at least for a little while.


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