Stray thoughts

This is going to be one of those catch-all posts where it's not really about anything in specific (is it ever, though?).

I just traveled yesterday to the Denver area to meet my new grandson, and he's exactly as advertised! A very healthy, happy baby, doesn't make a lot of fuss and is very cute indeed. Can't decide which of his parents he most closely resembles, but in my limited experience with grandchildren, that perception continues to change over time.

OK, then.....

As I went to the security line of my local airport yesterday, I noted that there were five foreign women ahead of me and all apparently finding some difficulty with the language barrier. Along with that, all of them had more carry-on luggage than is customarily allowed, and to my utter astonishment, all of them had two laptop computers per person. Frankly, I cannot imagine why one would need two separate computers, but I'm sure it all made sense to them. All made it through the security checkpoint without incident, so I hope that all of them reached their destinations.

The other thing I found interesting about yesterday's travel experience was that two men speaking an Arabic language boarded my outbound flight not long after I did. What I found interesting was that everyone on the plane absolutely stopped all conversations while they were making their way to their seats, and then conversations resumed in a much quieter manner. Honestly, aren't we beyond that kind of suspicion?

If you take note of such things you've undoubtedly noticed that I follow a particular blog entitled "The Queen's Ramblings." I had the pleasure of seeing that blog's author on Saturday at a social occasion, and we had a good laugh about how her recent posts about sweater dresses were probably of great interest to me! If you haven't already done so, check out her blog!

I'm feeling pretty good today because my son-in-law and I will be attending tonight's Monday Night Football game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos. It will be my first visit to Invesco Field at Mile High, but since our son-in-law and daughter are "locals" we should get some good intelligence on how best to get there, etc. I doubt I'll be seen on TV, as I'm not taking any signs and will be fully clothed throughout the game, and, heck, most of you wouldn't know me if you saw me anyway!

Have a good week.


  1. Thanks for the shout out! Have fun at the game! I'm really needing Polomolu to have a great game for my fantasy team.


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