
Showing posts from July, 2024

We have been here before

It’s Wednesday, everyone.  ALMOST halfway to the weekend! As pleasantly surprised as I am at how seamlessly the Biden-to-Harris transition took place, those of us who lean a little more progressive need to make sure not to take our eye off the ball. The media has done a good job of making people aware of Project 2025, a multi-pronged effort to formalize what Donald Trump wants and plans to do if he regains the White House.  And, yes, there’s always been a lot of double talk from him about getting even with his enemies, and putting a 10% tariff on all imported products, but this project, which is nearly 1000 pages in length, goes to great detail in outlining what policies will be enacted, which ones will be changed or eliminated, departments and agencies that will either be consolidated or eliminated and become a part of the executive branch of the federal government and on and on and on. Simply put, we will discard much of the social and economic progress we’ve made as a country if thi

When (NOW) I'm Sixty-Four!

Belated happy birthday to me!  I turned 64 years of age on Saturday, my Paul McCartney birthday, as I've been calling it leading up to the actual day last weekend (sorry, Sir Paul!). Truthfully, I don't feel much different, not surprisingly.  But I'll say a few things about what I've seen over the past six decades and a little more.... I'm listening to (surprise!) The Beatles as I write today's thoughts.  I remain horribly out of touch with modern music, and honestly, I'm fine with that!  I'm sure there are some good musical acts in various genres that I might like, but I haven't heard them.  Let me add that I am intrigued by the superb baritone country singer Sturgill Simpson, who has demonstrated that he's quite the renegade and operates pretty much outside of the country music establishment.  He has a new album out (I still buy albums, y'know) but I have yet to figure out where to find it.... I like a few of the movies that have come out o

Are you surprised?

Happy hump day, everyone.  I’m in the middle of a week of travel, made more complex by having to pack up the tent and move mid-trip.  Seldom my favorite, but can’t be helped! So let’s recap briefly what’s been happening lately, particularly on the political front.  We must start with the events of last Saturday in Pennsylvania, which saw a 20-year-old man attempt to assassinate former President and current candidate Donald Trump.  I saw what you saw, none of it in real time, but a few things seem clear: A turn of the head at the time of the shooting would have been disastrous for Mr. Trump Rally attendees saw the shooter moving into position and others reported he was acting strangely near the metal detectors; how did he get onto the grounds with an AR-15 and a ladder? Part of me felt that what occurred on stage when Mr. Trump was grazed by a bullet and thereafter seemed staged.  I don’t think I’m alone in that ambivalence.  And the timing of these events, on the eve of the Republican

I know

Happy Friday, everyone!  After what I hope was a short week for you last week, these five day weeks seem SOOOOOO long….. I think I mentioned in this space at some point in the past that I have had a lot of fun portraying myself to my grandchildren as the Knower of All Things.  A couple of them dispute this openly, and try to beat me with researched questions and the like.  It’s all in good fun for all of us. Kidding aside, though, I was driving (as per usual) this week and began to think of a list of things that I am pretty sure that I DO know.  Here goes…. People who persist in speakerphone conversations in public places need to be taken directly to a store where they can buy a pair of earbuds or headphones that they can use to preserve the quiet where they are the only ones making noise. The people who hurriedly cross multiple lanes of traffic to make it to an offramp on a limited access highway are simply not very good planners. When asked “is it hot enough for ya?”  I simply nod.  

What can possibly be next?

Do you follow the news?  Are you paying attention to what’s happening in politics, world affairs, the economy and other things that are important to all of us? There are times when I think I maybe a little overinformed but lately I actually have begun to feel that’s not the case. In the past week, we had the earliest modern presidential debate ever.  Neither candidate performed well, as President Biden came across like an 81 year old person sometimes does….tired, somewhat disoriented, having difficulty expressing himself, and confusing one set of facts or specifics for another.  Will come back to the President in a moment. And then there was the former President, Donald Trump, who performed largely as expected.  Bombastic, misleading, unsympathetic and unrepentant for anything of which he has been found guilty in a court of law.  He also persisted in his claims that the 2020 election was not contested fairly, which is consistent with his public position on that subject.  And in typical