Still thankful, despite it all
Friends, I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and had the opportunity to spend some time with those you love. I did and had a great day and evening. I so feel for those who either don't have anyone with whom they can spend days like Thanksgiving or choose not to due to memories of difficult visits in the past or the fear of more of them in the future. And my heart goes out to those affected, directly and indirectly, by the shootings in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Chesapeake. Virginia. President Biden says he plans to make another attempt to ban assault weapons, and I know he means it, but I'm not sure how many willing partners there will be, even in a lame duck session of Congress. Speaking of Congress, we now know with more certainty that Republicans will control the House and Democrats will continue to control the Senate, although there are a handful of races still yet to be decided. Alaska finalized results of its two races, one for Senate and one...