Today's the (last) day

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!  We're almost there, ready to bid farewell to 2020.

Seemed like we would never be through with this year, as this year has not ever indicated a willingness to be through with us!

But most of us are still here, still trying to do the right thing, still trying to overcome all that isn't right with our world, whether right in our neighborhoods or at a higher level.

I remain grateful that my family and I have all remained healthy throughout the months of the coronavirus pandemic.  I'm looking forward to the time when all of the adults in our immediate family can receive one of the vaccines that are now being circulated to frontline healthcare workers and others who need and deserve it.  Although I find it disappointing that there are people who are finding ways to game the system and move to the head of the line.  All of you know who you are.  Please use some common sense and wait for your turn to come, because it will.

And in the midst of this pandemic we've all learned a little more self-reliance, at least those of us who have been spending most of our time in our homes.  Our household has made more online purchases than in any previous year that I can remember.  We buy certain grocery and cleaning items online, as some of them have become so difficult to find in our local stores.  I've bought cookware online, which I would never have done previously.  On at least a couple of occasions, when something stopped working correctly, I made an effort to research the problem (online, of course) and seek out a replacement part to fix the problem.  And I've been right every time!  Gotta love it when it all comes together!

But we've also lost confidence in such things as the United States Postal Service.  Remember when you'd put a stamp on something and never wonder if it would get to its destination?  Me, too, but it's no longer an automatic process as it once was.  Here's a quick retelling of an experience that's indicative of 2020:

I bought two clothing items from an online seller in early November.  One was in stock, the other on backorder.  No big deal, I thought, the second one will come soon enough.  The in-stock item took over three weeks to get to me at my central Kentucky home from a point of origin outside of Indianapolis.  I can DRIVE to Indianapolis from my house in three hours.

I was informed via an automated message that my backordered item was shipped on December 9.  It arrived today.  Thankfully, it was the correct item.  So that goes to show that even as venerable an institution as the mail has shown the strain of this year, whether it was naturally or artificially created.

I'm also quite hopeful that all of the foolishness regarding our Presidential election is nearing an end.  I suppose we all received fair warning, rather continuously, for the past year or better, but it's still rather shocking to see banana republic-style tactics by the loser in an effort to stay in power.  Suppose the desire to avoid prosecution is a strong one and I can't quite relate to how that must feel.  But it's no excuse and I find it disappointing that many of the President's followers still can't see him for what he is.  And isn't.

As someone recently said, I'm looking forward to having a normal, boring President who does the job the best he/she can and surrounds him/herself with experienced advisors and cabinet secretaries who are also willing to put forth effort toward doing their jobs.

We're almost there.


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