
Showing posts from August, 2020

This explains everything

I've been trying to put my finger on something regarding our current political landscape and believe I may have found some direction that partly outlines why we're in our current situation. I'm a big fan of Aaron Sorkin, the writer of such movies as "A Few Good Men" and "The Social Network," among many others, and the creator of television shows like "Sports Night," "The West Wing" and "The Newsroom."  I love that his characters seem to speak as real people do, imperfections and all, but there's generally room for some high-minded idealism in his characters and plot lines. This is never more true than in his screenplay for "The American President," directed by Rob Reiner.  It's about a widowed President of the United States (played ably by Michael Douglas) who falls in love with a lobbyist (Annette Bening) and their relationship is used for political gain by his would-be opponent in the upcoming reelection ...

Trying to be objective

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday.  And if you work from home, as I have since March, Sundays look a little like the other days of the week! I jest, there are no Zoom calls to attend, no endless outreach to clients and prospects, no reports to prepare.  And I say this with immense gratitude for the employment that I still have, despite the fact that it has little resemblance to what I signed on for last fall! But enough of that.  I've had some time to consider some of what's happening around us and am going to share a few thoughts, for better or worse. First, I'm fearful that eventually we're going to find out that a lot more people have died or experienced significant health setbacks as direct result of the coronavirus.  I believe the national death count just surpassed 170,000, with predictions from the CDC and elsewhere that the total could reach 200,000 by Labor Day.  In just a couple of weeks. We're doing our part at my house and within my family.  Only...

A life well lived--epilogue

I heard from quite a few people when I remembered a very good friend who had passed away back in March, so wanted to offer a brief addendum to my comments from that day. As you recall from the original post, golf was a central gathering point for this departed friend and several of my other friends--all of whom became friends of this fine man, of course.  We played an annual round of golf, when this friend would put aside his highly skilled golf game and play with occasional duffers, sharing a day of golf, fellowship and a lot of laughter. So another longtime friend and I decided that we should schedule a round of golf in our departed friend's honor, as he would certainly want us to remember him on the golf course, where he spent a great deal of time that he clearly enjoyed. Yesterday was that occasion, after a one-day delay due to weather (Saturday was the third day of occasionally heavy rain, unheard of in late July/early August in central Kentucky).  The group consisted of ...