Turning a corner
It's Saturday, friends, and I'm ever so glad to be in weekend mode. Hope you'll get to enjoy some downtime, too. I just returned Thursday from a four day trip to the Cleveland, Ohio area for some training for my new job. Met some interesting people, but what stuck with me the most in two trips into the middle of the city there was the extent of rundown or even abandoned commercial and residential structures. Boarded up, beaten down, depressing scenery, block after block of it. To be fair, Lexington has that, too, but the scale is so different in a city the size of Cleveland. I found the same in the Detroit, Michigan area, at least in parts of it, during frequent travels there late last year and early this year. But it's still something that takes me by surprise, and then leaves me somewhat depressed for those affected by it. I watched a documentary a while back that spent some of its running time addressing the water situation in Flint, Michigan. I'm ...