To whom it may concern
Good Thursday morning to all. Today I begin a new job, after a long, long, LONG period of exploration, research, application, interviewing, etc., etc., etc. Very glad to return to full-time activity, and with a quality company as well! But before I leave the realm of the job-seekers, I'd just like to share some thoughts with those with whom I came into contact during this journey: To all of the prospective employers who made commitments of varying degrees without upholding any of them: thank you for keeping me motivated. The more this happened (and it seemed to have happened a lot over these past months), the more determined I became not to take anything except at face value. To be fair, some of you wanted to hire me for your critical opening, but were overruled by your boss, or someone else in the organization who had a friend who also needed a job, and so on. But after a few instances of hearing that "the job is pretty much yours" and equally promising st...