
Showing posts from December, 2012

And so this is Christmas

Merry Christmas, albeit belatedly, to all.  I hope that you were able to enjoy some special time with family and friends during this most festive of seasons. I love Christmas, always have, but I believe I love it more now that I'm older.  It's especially rewarding with grandchildren in the family, as the wonder and amazement that the Christmas season holds for little ones is unmatched. I think I gained a greater appreciation for Christmas once I became a parent, or, more correctly, stepparent, which happened virtually simultaneously with my marriage almost 27 years ago.  Once you have others for whom you'll be the primary giver of gifts, it all changes.  And so much for the better! So we had a wonderful Christmas in our family.  We traveled to Colorado to see our daughter and her family (our granddaughter there is approaching celebrity status, having performed for the second consecutive year in the local production of "The Nutcracker" AND played in a mini ...

In the (St.) Nick of time

Greetings, friends.....just back from a brief trip to Colorado to visit our daughter and her family.  And apparently we got out just in time, as there was a blizzard warning for the Denver area Tuesday night.  Sometimes, advance planning works out just fine! Our granddaughter (our daughter's oldest) appeared in a local production of "The Nutcracker" again this year, which was the centerpiece of our visit.  And she also played a song from the same ballet as part of a piano recital, so you'll forgive me if THAT SONG is coming through this post and you're hearing it, as I am. Colorado weather is pretty amazing.  It's very cold there this morning, I'm sure because of the snow that came overnight.  But tomorrow it should be back in the upper 40s.  And with their characteristic low humidity, snow doesn't last very long, at least not like it does when it becomes cold enough to snow here in Kentucky. But we had a good visit, albeit dampened a bit by Frid...

Back among the normal

Good morning, one and all....pleased to be here with the strength to write a little something, as I am just about out from under a very nasty infection that has laid me low in recent days.... I returned from what was for me a quick one night business trip the week after Thanksgiving.  Not far, no time changes, only two flights in each direction.  Simple trip.  Returned to Lexington on that Wednesday night.  By Thursday night I was coughing pretty steadily, and by Friday I felt that I had a full-blown case of the flu.  Know that feeling you get when you feel kind of dizzy, kind of woozy, can't sit upright without feeling sick?  I had that.  Lack of energy?  Check.  Loss of appetite?  Uh-huh. Suffered through three days of this, and finally began to feel a little better last Sunday night, only to relapse further on Monday night and Tuesday.  During this time my wife also began to feel bad, and I became concerned that I had used he...