The rainy season
Good morning, friends. Not a huge surprise that it's raining here in central Kentucky. Again. Most of us here in this locality are a little tired of rain, but grateful that temperatures are such that this much rain isn't several inches (or even feet) of snow. And I find it amusing that there is a direct correlation between how far from home business will take me and the amount of rain expected on a given day, at least during the work week. As the title of my blog states, having "new shoes in the rain" certainly is a mixed blessing.... Keeping with the rain metaphor, when it rains, it pours, and the news lately has been raining down on us. Yesterday there must have been eight or ten items concerning the tumultuous goings-on in the Trump White House, what with relatives saying they believe the President when he denies various claims made against him, or another of those relatives being stripped of a contentious security clearance, or a senior aide being...