Apple II
Happy post-Thanksgiving Saturday. Unusual day for me to post, but, well, I'm kind of off schedule in a lot of ways right now, as many of us who had the last two days off work probably are! Wanted to share another experience with Apple (and, no, I'm not on the payroll). My wife and I had planned to go to see a movie yesterday, opting for "Murder on the Orient Express," but were thwarted by our inability to get seats at our preferred multiplex at the time we preferred. So I headed outside to do some yard work, and to run the gasoline out of our lawn mower. My wife used that time to put away her Halloween and Thanksgiving decor in anticipation of decorating the house for Christmas during this weekend. Anyway, after I got a shower and was ready to do something, we decided, unexpectedly, to go to the mall. I have railed against doing so for some time, but we went with a specific purpose in mind. I had finally decided to upgrade my iPhone 6 Plus and get...