All Hallows' Eve eve
Good Monday morning, everyone. Looks like fall is really here in central Kentucky, as reported in this space last week. Hard freeze the last couple of nights, and spits of snow were visible while I was wrapping up some yard work yesterday. Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween this year? I had to think about the last time that I dressed up for the occasion. It was probably the Halloween that I was working at a nursing home, as employees there were encouraged to dress up. We had bought our son a replica of a classic flannel Chicago White Sox jersey, so I appropriated that (already had the hat) and went as a quasi-baseball player. Got high marks from my associates, who assumed I was too serious to come in actual costume. This year? I'll probably dress as "Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire," borrowing that character's phrase from "The Dark Knight Rises." My Halloween job is to hand out candy at my son's house, so that he and his wi...