For reasons passing understanding
Good morning to all. We're almost finished with summer, at least from a calendar standpoint. In reality, summer ended on Labor Day weekend for most everyone, though here in central Kentucky, we still feel the typical heat and humidity much of the time for a while yet. I come before you today with more and more things that I simply do not understand. In the past couple of days the news detailed the shootings of not one but two unarmed black men, one in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the other in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. When we learned of the first shooting I mentioned to my wife that I found it unbelievable that with police having dashboard cameras in their cruisers and in many cases cameras actually on their bodies, there are still cops who will call in to their dispatch with details that are not accurately portrayed. I applaud people who are brave enough to put themselves in harm's way in order to protect the public, but that courage does not entitle any p...