Six months
Friends, I hope that you had a good weekend, and are looking forward to the Labor Day weekend coming up. Unofficial end of summer, you know. Today marks six months that I have been in the job market. And I remain positive about my prospects, though I work diligently to cultivate additional possibilities on a continual basis. If you’re a regular visitor here you know that I have a good outlook about most everything, and I don’t have any outward self-esteem issues (at least not that I’m aware). So this isn’t going to be a woe-is-me hand-wringing rant. Rather, I thought I’d share what I’ve experienced, not with my former employer who put me into this predicament, but with those potential employers whom I’ve contacted and met with over these months. When I first launched my search I was pretty straightforward with myself and prospected employers in what I wanted and expected in terms of responsibilities, duties and most particularly compensation. ...