Christmas hustle and bustle
The shopping is done, the wrapping is completed, items to loved ones a distance away have been shipped, the Christmas cards have been written and all there is to do is wait. Which gives me an opportunity to ask some valid if rhetorical questions about the holiday season..... Do people wait to see whom they receive Christmas cards from to decide to whom to send cards themselves? My wife and I review our received cards each year and occasionally remove people from the list if we've not heard from them in some time (possibly due to an inaccurate address or a general lack of contact outside of the Christmas season). When my wife and I met I knew that there were a good many people with whom she and the kids exchanged cards because of her first husband's past relationships (friends, classmates, coworkers). And we've maintained contact with many of those folks, even though I've not met many of them. The unfortunate part of this scenario is that some...